How to Keep Chickens in the City

City people like chickens. Chickens make good pets. Chickens lay eggs.
Do you live in a city? Do you want to keep chickens? Here’s how.

1. Find a yard.
Where can you keep them? You can keep them in a backyard. You can keep them in a community garden.

Chickens need to live outside. Chickens need space to move around. They like to peck and scratch the ground.

2. Buy or make a chicken coop.
The coop is where the chickens sleep. It keeps them safe.

3. Buy food and straw.
Buy food for the chickens. Get food bowls. Get water bowls. Always keep the bowls full with fresh water.

Buy straw. Put straw in the coop. Chickens sleep in the straw.

4. Buy chickens.
You can only have hens in the city. You can’t have roosters in the city. They are too loud.

You can buy chicks online. You can buy them from a farm. You can buy young hens, too. Hens start to lay eggs when they are about six months old.

5. Care for your chickens.
Go to your chickens every morning. Give them food. Give them fresh water. Give them time outside the coop.

Clean the coop each week. Clean the food bowls. Clean the water bowls. Clean out the dirty straw. Put in fresh straw.

Deep clean the coop twice a year. Scrub the whole coop. Chicken poop has a lot of germs. Always wash your hands with soap after handling your chickens.