
“Mine!” Ned says. He takes my book and runs away. I bet he’s going to hide it.

Ugh. Little brothers. Why does he want my book? He can’t even read yet.

“Share with your brother,” Dad says. But this is a big kid book. He would just rip the pages.

“Share your time,” Dad says. “He wants your attention. Give him a little. Then he’ll leave you in peace to read.”

Will that work? I wonder. I look around to see if I can find where he hid my book. But I can’t find it. So I decide to try Dad’s plan.

“Ned,” I say. “Come here. I’ll read you this other book. I liked it when I was your age.”

We sit side by side on the sofa. I read him the book and we talk about the pictures. It’s actually kind of fun.

“Again!” he says when I’m done. I remember saying that to Dad when I was little. So I read it again.

When it’s over, he gives me a hug. His arms are warm and soft around my waist.

“Thanks,” he whispers. He climbs down from the sofa and leaves the room. A minute later he’s back, holding my book out to me.

“Thanks, Ned,” I say. “Let’s read together again tomorrow.”