Giselle Boyer and her identical twin, Isabelle, are as close as sisters can be, even as their family...
Caroline Murphy is a Hurricane Child. Being born during a hurricane is unlucky, and 12-year-old...
When a bad storm throws Bangor, a harbor porpoise, off course, he finds himself all alone in the...
When Inge Maria Jensen’s mother dies, the ten-year-old girl in braids is sent from Copenhagen to...
Once the walls come down, all sorts of problems start to crop up. Rotten wood, toxic mold, unwelcome...
Scare yourself silly with Rowley Jefferson’s Awesome Friendly Spooky Stories by Jeff Kinney, the #1...
On a bleak winter afternoon, Harry de Leyer first saw the horse he would name Snowman between the...
We lived under a sky so blue in Idaho right near the towns of Hunt and Eden but we were not welcomed...
Celi Rivera's life swirls with questions. About her changing body. Her first attraction to a boy...
Jude never thought she’d be leaving her beloved older brother and father behind, all the way across...
Sled dogs rescued author Gary Paulsen in Alaska, a sickened poodle guarded his well-being, and a...
Two boys - a slow learner stuck in the body of a teenage giant and a tiny Einstein in leg braces -...