This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with Hetty's 100 Hats by Janet Slingsby.
After reading Hetty's 100 Hats by Janet Slingsby, use this printable and interactive Word Search...
She fell heir to Great-Aunt Jemima's plumes and to Grandpa's old gardening hat. Someone unearthed...
It's a dark day for Itching Down. Four million wasps have just descended on the town, and the pests...
After reading The Dog Walker by Janet Reed use this printable and interactive Word Search puzzle to...
This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with The Dog Walker by Janet Reed.
To learn to be a good friend, kids need models of friendship. The 41 poems in this book guide us in...
DNA can tell us who our family members are, but we all know that family means more than just...
Young people from across the globe are raising awareness about what issues matter to them most and...
Isaac Wolf can travel through time. But he's also in a race against it. With tensions in Prague...
1 shiny golden star at the very tip top. 2 strings of flashing lights that just won't stop. Count...