This is the story of a dragonfly who flies around town each day to check on friends who have cancer...
When Frida was a teenager, a terrible road accident changed her life forever. Unable to walk, she...
Rosa Parks grew up in Alabama, where she learned to stand up for herself at an early age. Rosa went...
Little Kylie grew up with her parents and her younger sister, Dannii, in Melbourne, Australia. She...
Beyoncé was quiet as a child but always enjoyed singing and dancing. At a young age, she went to see...
Alan grew up in England, where his best friends were numbers and a little boy called Christopher...
Born on the tiny island on Zanzibar off the coast of modern-day Tanzania, young Farrokh dreamt of...
Born into a family of Samoan and Black wrestlers, little Dwayne travelled with his parents and...
Little Martin grew up in a family of preachers: his dad was a preacher, his uncle was a preacher...
When he was little, Muhammad Ali had his bicycle stolen. He wanted to fight the thief, but a...
As a child, Leo developed his passion for soccer playing games with his brothers and cousins in the...
Growing up in foster care, Simone's gymnastics training was an anchor in her life. She first tried...
I Love My Bike tells the story of a girl's first experience on her bike, and is filled with...
Girls cannot be drummers. Long ago on an island filled with music, no one questioned that rule—until...
Kitty O’Meara’s thoughtful poem about the pandemic, quarantine, and the future suggests there is...
I wake up each morning with the sounds of words all around me. And I can't say them all . . .
For a young Japanese-American boy sent to an internment camp during World War II, baseball becomes a...