Fresh, accessible, and inspiring, Shaking Things Up introduces fourteen revolutionary young women...
Use this Read Aloud Guide before, during, and after reading.
Use this Vocabulary Guide to identify Tier 2 vocabulary words in the book.
Use this graphic organizer to deepen vocabulary knowledge.
This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with Happy 100th Day! by Susan Milord.
After reading Happy 100th Day! by Susan Milord, use this printable and interactive Word Search...
Birthdays meet 100th Day in a school celebration unlike anything you've seen before!
Graham doesn't...
A World of Cookies for Santa takes readers across the globe to see all the treats that await Santa...
A playful nonsense rhyme and bold illustrations follow a group of animals as they try to get the...
Spookley wasn't like his friends… Spookley the Square Pumpkin was different. The other pumpkins...
After reading The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper use this printable and interactive Word Search puzzle...
This printable and interactive Criss Cross puzzle aligns with The Shortest Day by Susan Cooper.
So the shortest day came,and the year died . . .
As the sun set on the shortest day of the year...
Maxine needs a job. Well, maybe she doesn’t need a job, but she’d very much like one. Her talented...
This printable and interactive criss cross puzzle aligns with The Water Princess by Susan Verde.
After reading The Water Princess by Susan Verde use this printable and interactive Word Search...
My grandparents’ grandparents walked beside the same stream where I walk with my brother, and we can...
There once was a girl named Yaffa. She loved her family, her home, and her beautiful Polish town...
Based on supermodel Georgie Badiel’s childhood, a young girl dreams of bringing clean drinking water...
Jesse is on the case when money goes missing from the library and her dad is looking like the #1...