Our Commitment to Every Child
We believe that all children deserve to experience the joy of reading that helps them become skilled readers because every child should have a chance to develop an unassailable foundation for growth, discovery, and opportunity.

The power of books for positive impact and change
Since our inception, Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) has been unwavering in our mission to ignite a joy of reading in every child, ensuring they have access to the books and resources that are the cornerstone of positive reading outcomes. Unfortunately, countless children in underserved communities across the nation still lack the critical books and reading tools that are essential to their literacy development. This absence has fostered deep, persistent reading gaps that continue to cycle through generations. From day one, RIF has been committed to bridging these gaps, working tirelessly to support under-resourced communities and provide every child with the essential foundation for growth, discovery, and opportunity.

At the heart of our mission is the commitment to provide a broad spectrum of books featuring diverse authors, genres, and characters, ensuring that every child can see themselves reflected in the stories they read while also gaining insight into the lives of others, fostering empathy and understanding.
We believe that a nation thrives when all its members are empowered to fully participate as citizens, workers, and leaders. Every child matters, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, gender, or background, and Reading Is Fundamental will relentlessly pursue its mission until every child has the opportunity to read, learn, and succeed.
RIF is inspired by the wise words of Kofi Annan: “Literacy is, finally, the road to human progress and the means through which every man, woman and child can realize his or her full potential. When we join together, we can make a difference."
Spotlight on Inclusion & Belonging

National Advisory Board
RIF is honored to be guided in our work by a National Advisory Board comprising diverse voices and subject matter experts.

Sense of Belonging Center
This center provides a collection of resources to support educators and families in leveraging books to address topics of Sense of Belonging. It offers guidance on choosing diverse books, building diverse libraries, using books to have authentic conversations about these important topics, and more.