The Reading Is Fundamental model
The Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) model integrates the joy of reading that drives reading motivation, frequency, and engagement - into the Science of Reading - focused on language comprehension and word recognition. By intentionally integrating joy with the science of reading, we can have greater, measurable impact on reading proficiency and children's journeys to becoming lifelong readers.

The RIF model: how it works
Reading comprehension is developed through word decoding and language comprehension. These two major components and their subcomponents have largely become referred to as the Science of Reading (SOR) due to the abundance of high-quality, empirical studies that support instructional programs and curriculums tied to these reading strands.
Built upon the five pillars of reading identified by the National Reading Panel in 2000, RIF’s model integrates, contributes, and expands the research by demonstrating that frequency, motivation, and engagement are essential components in developing reading proficiency and sustaining lifelong readers.
Research indicates joy to be an equally important component that alone does not drive reading proficiency—but when combined with word recognition and language comprehension, supports measurable reading outcomes for children.

Research that validates the RIF model
Research studies validate the joy of reading model for driving the frequency, motivation, and engagement that children need to become skilled readers. Moreover, research shows that having a home library is a strong predictor of educational outcomes.

Our Theory of Change Models
The foundation for our programmatic work is shown through RIF’s Theory of Change models aligned to each of our programs. Learn how these models demonstrate that our work is making a profound difference for educators, families—and most important, the children we reach.
RIF in action
Since 1966, we’ve partnered with educators, families, and literacy advocates to change the trajectory of the literacy crisis. Check out the latest from RIF.
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Our corporate partners of all sizes make a real difference in the very communities where their employees live and work. We align our partners’ business and philanthropic goals to build effective, integrated campaigns and programs. Here are just a few organizations we’re proud to call our partners.
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